Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SF Marathon Race Update for All WOW Participants

SFM Race Countdown…

There is still time to sign up for the San Fran Marathon 5K Race or the Second Half Marathon. Go to http://runsfm.com. We are Team 303 for your sign-up discount.

Sunday, July 26 is less than 2 weeks away. We participants are now in taper mood. Here is my list of Team 303 WOW Participants.
• Jeanetta Mack
• Marly N
• Stephanie Atwood
• Jennifer Birch
• Christy G
• Sonia B
• Kimberly L
• Alison A
If your name is not on this list, please tell me and I will get it listed with The WOW Team.

This week is a taper week. Surprisingly, this doesn’t mean we cut back on our intensity. In other words, our track workout and mid-week runs/walks are still hard. However, we are cutting back on distance for the half marathoners. 5K participants will continue at their same level with a steady/brisk 30 minute mid-week workout and 60 minutes of walk/run on Sunday.

Be sure to get plenty of rest for the next week and a half. Start planning your clothes and your meals. Stay hydrated.

Meeting places
The 5K Race starts at 7:30 AM. You may pick up your bib that day and even register for the race on Sunday. Please check the website for full details at http://runsfm.com

Check if BART runs that day or, put a message out on meetup to car pool. I recommend all 5K participants meet at 7:00 AM at the corner of Howard and Embarcadero (with all details taken care and ready to race). I will not be there since I am running the course that starts in Golden Gate Park.

I believe that Christy G, Sonia B, and Marly N are signed up to do the 5K. Any others?

The Second Half Meeting Place
SF Marathon Organizer Pam M suggested that we meet at Fulton and 36th, only a few blocks from the start. Some of us will start running at 8:00 so let's plan to meet at 7:30, ready to rock and roll. Please determine your transportation to and fro before race day. Also, you need to pick up your bib in advance. Let me know if you have questions and we'll try to coordinate.

WOW participants in this race are:
Stephanie A
Kimberly L
Alison A
Jennifer B
If I missed your name, let me know!

I want to congratulate all of you who have trained for the upcoming SF Marathon Races. This includes the full marathon, half marathons, progressive marathon, and 5K. You are now in the phase where there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Now is the time to start visualizing yourself doing the race and also planning your pre-race ritual. Try to think the whole thing through; write down your thoughts and make a list of what you need to do for the race – before, during, and after. Let me know if you have any questions. I will be going over pieces of this during the next few weeks and you are always welcome to contact me at Stephanie@AskAboutrunning.com

Note: I can’t obligate you to wear your WOW cap but, I would be honored to know that you wore it on race day and told the world that you are a member of The WOW Team.

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Run Woman Run - Walk Woman Walk

Run Woman Run - Walk Woman Walk
Join Our Women's Running & Walking Club -The WOW Team Contact Stephanie@AskAboutRunning.com
Go to for full details and free, daily words of encouragment.

Women Train for your First Event - from 5K thru a Marathon

Yes, women, YOU CAN do this!

Join us on August 5 at Fleet Feet in Berkeley, 1758 Solano Ave to discuss the details of training for your first competition or a new distance. Walkers and runners are welcome. Coach Stephanie Atwood will go over the women's only program that can take fitness goals and turn them into realities.

Fleet Feet, Berkeley, 7:00 PM, Tuesday, August 5

Stephanie Atwood, AAAI/ISM Certified and RRCA Long Distance Running Coach Trained is founder of The WOW Team - Fit Women of the World. The team's focus is on long term fitness and meeting fitness goals.

We Want YOU!!

Go to http://TheWeeklyPepTalk.com, http://CaliforniaInternationalMarathonGroupTraining.smmsite.com or contact her through Stephanie@AskAboutRunning.com

4 Week Beginners Training Guide For Your First 5K

Where there's a will, there's a way. You can do it! Just check with your doctor first to confirm that you are in good health. We humans are meant to move. 5K (3.1 miles) is within any healthy person's realm of accomplishment. So, start now and participate in your first race. It's so much fun!

Week 1
Monday, Day 1 - Start walking! Walk until you feel tired or have reached 30 minutes, whichever comes first. Do not worry about your speed, or your distance, just stay upright and moving. Write down how long you walked today. Try for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Tuesday, Day 2 - If you walked 30 minutes yesterday, please repeat the same thing today. If you walked less than 30 minutes, add 1-2 minutes to yesterday's time. Do not worry about your speed, or your distance but be certain to increase the amount of time you are on your feet. Write down how long you walked today. Good job!

Wednesday, Day 3 - If you walked 30 minutes yesterday, please repeat the same thing today. If you walked less than 30 minutes, add 1-2 minutes to yesterday's time. do not worry about your speed, or your distance but be certain to increase the amount of time you are on your feet. Write down how long you walked today. Looking good!

Thursday, Day 4 - Rest day! Take a break.

Friday, Day 5 - If you walked 30 minutes before, please repeat the same thing today. If you walked less than 30 minutes, add 1-2 minutes to your previous time. Do not worry about your speed, or your distance but be certain to increase the amount of time you are on your feet. Write down how long you walked today. Going strong!

Saturday, Day 6 - Already at 30 minutes? Great! Just keep it up for a little longer. Then things will get interesting. Still working up to 30? Keep adding 1-2 minutes. Write down how long you walkd today. You're getting there!

Sunday, Day 7 - Women, join my group for a 3 mile walk. We'd love to meet you and, you get some great exercise. Or...take a hike to some place beautiful. Bring a picnic. Walk for health and the wonder of movement. Enjoy the day!

Keep your recorded times on a calendar where you can see them. You'll feel good about what you're accomplishing.

If you are already a fit walker or jogger you may use stronger arms and or walk/jog for the 30 minutes.

Please refer to http://www.altbgo.blogspot.com for the rest of the schedule or contact me if you have any questions at Stephanie@AskAboutRunning.com

3 more weeks are coming soon...

Get Fit This Summer, Stay Fit For Life!

Starting June 1 and continuing every Sunday in June, get fit, lose weight, make new friends. Women! Meet for instruction and exercise every Sunday from 8AM - 10AM on how to get fit and stay fit using running or walking as the main catalyst. Topics include weight loss, nutrition, motivation, injury prevention, setting goals, controlling stress and depression, how to stay with a plan.

Taught by trainer/coach Stephanie Atwood. Sign-up at http://www.theweeklypeptalk.com/

Want to see the written version of Week 1. Look below...

Articles About Fitness, Running, Walking, Women Stuff

These articles have been exported from The Weekly Pep Talks, back to the beginning. This way you can refer to them easily, without searching through weeks of gossip and old weekend site descriptions. Your comments are encouraged. I would love to get feedback. Enjoy!!

These articles are available for reproduction at no fee based on fcomplete reproduction of the article and all its contents as well as credit to the author, Stephanie Atwood and referral to website/blogs http://www.TheWeeklyPepTalk.com and http://www.altbgo.blogspot.com

Holabird Sports - Get That Free T-shirt!

Free T-shirt Offer Holabird Sports is an online company that sells sporting goods stuff only online. I contacted them and now have their products on my site. They currently have a promo offer for a New Balance Tech Tee for anyone who is a new customer who purchases more than $59.95 worth of products. Well…one pair of shoes will do that very nicely, thank you! So, if you want a New Balance Tech Tee, moisture-wicking long sleeve tee featuring a screen-printed New Balance logo on the back and Holabird Sports logo on the front, use code RRWE29602 in the promo field during checkout. Limited to the first 250 new customers! Shop for deals on all things running-related with this link or go to our blog. Either way use the code above for your free t-shirt (if available, still).

What races woud you like to train for in 2009?