Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fitness Clinic Material from June 1

Fitness, Starting at Square One - Next Week Join Us for the Real Thing!

Welcome to the world of walking, running, and being fit! You are on a journey that involves a physical, mental, and organizational component. The WOW Team is here to help you define and work toward a lifetime of fitness. Fit and Female Women of the World, let’s come together to GET FIT AND STAY FIT.

Taking your pulse
With no equipment but a watch, you can get a baseline measurement of your fitness level by taking your pulse. Find a pulse (such as your arm/wrist or your neck). Place your fingers gently on the pulse (heart beat). When you can feel a strong beat, start counting, while watching your watch for 60 seconds. The best time to do this for your base pulse rate, is in the morning, before getting out of bed.

Calculate your heart rate during activity

Start with 220
Subtract Age -50 (example only, use your real age!)
170 X 90% = 153 This is a maximum level for exertion

170 X 80% = 136 This is a hard level of exertion

170 X 70% = 119 This is a moderate level of exertion

170 X 60% = 102 This is a beginning level of exertion

All of the numbers above apply to a 50 year old. Your numbers will be different based on your age.

How does your resting heart rate affect your level of exertion? The more fit you are, the harder you will have to work to increase it to the higher levels.

For your information only:

What is your current weight? _____________

How many push-ups can you do? __________

Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?

Do you know how many calories you should consume on a daily basis? Your weight X 10 (i.e. 130 X 10 = 1300) If you are active for an hour or more you may add 20% to that amount or (1300+260 = 1560).

Walk, Woman, Walk!
Before you can run, you need to be able to walk. Like a child, you must have the strength, balance, and flexibility to hold yourself upright and move forward.

Balance exercise #1
Stand on one leg with the other leg lifted and bent at a 90 degree angle. Hold for one minute. Repeat on the other side.

Balance exercise #2
Stand on one leg, holding other ankle, with sole of other foot pushed up toward the buttocks. Hold for 1 minute. Repeat on the other side

Keep your feet happy and the rest of your body will follow! Because your feet have such a tough job, they are really tough! I defer to Pete Egoscue and his wonderful book Pain Free to elaborate on the importance of your feet. Of course all parts of our body are important but, oftentimes, we will notice things in our feet that are indicative of problems elsewhere. Take good care of your fee and, if you notice pain, please talk to me or a sports doctor to determine the cause and, more importantly, a remedy.

Shoe Basics
Shoes should be comfortable, brand name shoes, which give you support and flexibility. Get them fit by a sports shoe professional – especially the first pair. For more details on fitting shoes, please refer to the article in Also, join us at Sports Basement on June 4 from 6 – 8 PM for their talk on shoes and an opportunity to buy for 20% off.

When you move in harmony with your body systems, your breath guides the way. Breathing deep and steady allows the exchange of the old air for the new stuff to keep your body functioning properly.

Steady breathing and pacing creates the potential for you to go long distances, efficiently. Fill that diaphragm by inhaling deeply and exhaling completely. These two actions create the space for new oxygen to move into your body because you have removed a substantial portion of the old, used-up stuff by forcing it out. Practice this by mouth and through your nose.

A good workout includes stretching at the end of the workout. By this time your muscles are warm and responsive like rubber bands. This is the time to use opposite muscle groups and let them stretch out from their own elasticity.

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Run Woman Run - Walk Woman Walk

Run Woman Run - Walk Woman Walk
Join Our Women's Running & Walking Club -The WOW Team Contact
Go to for full details and free, daily words of encouragment.

Women Train for your First Event - from 5K thru a Marathon

Yes, women, YOU CAN do this!

Join us on August 5 at Fleet Feet in Berkeley, 1758 Solano Ave to discuss the details of training for your first competition or a new distance. Walkers and runners are welcome. Coach Stephanie Atwood will go over the women's only program that can take fitness goals and turn them into realities.

Fleet Feet, Berkeley, 7:00 PM, Tuesday, August 5

Stephanie Atwood, AAAI/ISM Certified and RRCA Long Distance Running Coach Trained is founder of The WOW Team - Fit Women of the World. The team's focus is on long term fitness and meeting fitness goals.

We Want YOU!!

Go to, or contact her through

4 Week Beginners Training Guide For Your First 5K

Where there's a will, there's a way. You can do it! Just check with your doctor first to confirm that you are in good health. We humans are meant to move. 5K (3.1 miles) is within any healthy person's realm of accomplishment. So, start now and participate in your first race. It's so much fun!

Week 1
Monday, Day 1 - Start walking! Walk until you feel tired or have reached 30 minutes, whichever comes first. Do not worry about your speed, or your distance, just stay upright and moving. Write down how long you walked today. Try for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Tuesday, Day 2 - If you walked 30 minutes yesterday, please repeat the same thing today. If you walked less than 30 minutes, add 1-2 minutes to yesterday's time. Do not worry about your speed, or your distance but be certain to increase the amount of time you are on your feet. Write down how long you walked today. Good job!

Wednesday, Day 3 - If you walked 30 minutes yesterday, please repeat the same thing today. If you walked less than 30 minutes, add 1-2 minutes to yesterday's time. do not worry about your speed, or your distance but be certain to increase the amount of time you are on your feet. Write down how long you walked today. Looking good!

Thursday, Day 4 - Rest day! Take a break.

Friday, Day 5 - If you walked 30 minutes before, please repeat the same thing today. If you walked less than 30 minutes, add 1-2 minutes to your previous time. Do not worry about your speed, or your distance but be certain to increase the amount of time you are on your feet. Write down how long you walked today. Going strong!

Saturday, Day 6 - Already at 30 minutes? Great! Just keep it up for a little longer. Then things will get interesting. Still working up to 30? Keep adding 1-2 minutes. Write down how long you walkd today. You're getting there!

Sunday, Day 7 - Women, join my group for a 3 mile walk. We'd love to meet you and, you get some great exercise. Or...take a hike to some place beautiful. Bring a picnic. Walk for health and the wonder of movement. Enjoy the day!

Keep your recorded times on a calendar where you can see them. You'll feel good about what you're accomplishing.

If you are already a fit walker or jogger you may use stronger arms and or walk/jog for the 30 minutes.

Please refer to for the rest of the schedule or contact me if you have any questions at

3 more weeks are coming soon...

Get Fit This Summer, Stay Fit For Life!

Starting June 1 and continuing every Sunday in June, get fit, lose weight, make new friends. Women! Meet for instruction and exercise every Sunday from 8AM - 10AM on how to get fit and stay fit using running or walking as the main catalyst. Topics include weight loss, nutrition, motivation, injury prevention, setting goals, controlling stress and depression, how to stay with a plan.

Taught by trainer/coach Stephanie Atwood. Sign-up at

Want to see the written version of Week 1. Look below...

Articles About Fitness, Running, Walking, Women Stuff

These articles have been exported from The Weekly Pep Talks, back to the beginning. This way you can refer to them easily, without searching through weeks of gossip and old weekend site descriptions. Your comments are encouraged. I would love to get feedback. Enjoy!!

These articles are available for reproduction at no fee based on fcomplete reproduction of the article and all its contents as well as credit to the author, Stephanie Atwood and referral to website/blogs and

Holabird Sports - Get That Free T-shirt!

Free T-shirt Offer Holabird Sports is an online company that sells sporting goods stuff only online. I contacted them and now have their products on my site. They currently have a promo offer for a New Balance Tech Tee for anyone who is a new customer who purchases more than $59.95 worth of products. Well…one pair of shoes will do that very nicely, thank you! So, if you want a New Balance Tech Tee, moisture-wicking long sleeve tee featuring a screen-printed New Balance logo on the back and Holabird Sports logo on the front, use code RRWE29602 in the promo field during checkout. Limited to the first 250 new customers! Shop for deals on all things running-related with this link or go to our blog. Either way use the code above for your free t-shirt (if available, still).

What races woud you like to train for in 2009?